Facebook Interactive Reactions Open New Emotions for Facebook Fans!

Love it or hate it Facebook is here to stay!  In trying to make posts more interactive Facebook has just released their newest Interaction Reaction buttons.   Facebook fans have often commented that they didn’t want to “like” a post that made them sad, or angry and now they will be able to select from five new characters!

Facebook refers to these new fun characters as Reactions.  They appear when Facebook users hover over the traditional “like” button.  Facebook users can now like a post, or select Love, Haha, Wow, Sad or Angry!  This gives a much broader range of emotions for readers to use when reading a post.  The reaction buttons add an element of fun and nuance to posts that were previously limited to simply clicking the like button or typing in a comment.

To some, the addition of these little reactions is insignificant.  But to the Facebook fan, they are crucial in correctly expressing their feelings correctly.  In real life we use facial expressions and body language along with tone of voice to convey our emotions.  The new interactive “Reactions” on Facebook allow users to more accurately post their feelings.  In turn, Facebook believes that the new Reactions will greatly increase the interaction of Facebook users and draw out those that previously read a post but never reacted by clicking the traditional “like” button.

The jury is still out on the impact of these new Reactions.  Only time will tell if Facebook fans like the new emotions.  So – tell us what you think of this newest change with Facebook!  Do you like the new Reactions and are you more likely to engage or react to posts?

Nashville Roofing Contractor Midsouth Construction is certified in all types of roof systems.  Please visit us on Facebook or our website for more information on residential and commercial roofing!  We want to be the commercial roof contractor or residential roofer recommended by you to all your family and friends!  We know roofing!  We know insurance!  We want to know you!  Call us today at 615-712-8893!