Fall Home Maintenance Checklist! Nashville natives know that it’s fall ya’ll! And that means it’s time for some fall home maintenance.  This will ensure your home, including your roofing system, is ready for the change in climate! Don’t be mislead by the warm temperatures outside because ice and snow may soon be here!


Fall in Tennessee for many homeowners means football, chili and the dreaded chores to-do lists to prepare for the fast approaching winter months. But, fall home maintenance doesn’t need to be overwhelming! These fall home maintenance tips will ensure your home is running efficiently and ready for whatever crazy weather comes your way!

Its Fall Yall Home Maintenance Checklist!


Most people rarely think about roof maintenance†or that they need to do anything to prepare for winter. While most roofing systems today require very low maintenance, you do need to do a few tasks to prepare for winter!

1. Make sure there is no standing debris in the valleys! Clogged valleys can aggravate ice dams and also result in leaks inside your home due to water being pushed under the shingles.

2. Check gutters and downspouts and remove any debris!  Allowing leaves and debris to gather in the gutters and downspouts will prevent water from draining properly from your roof. What may appear to be a significant roof leak, may actually be a leak caused by clogged gutters!

WINDOWS AND DOORS Maintenance Checklist

Take time to thoroughly check all of your doors and window seals. If you have faulty seals around exterior doors and windows it will allow heat to escape which means increased utility bills! Look for any spaces that need to have new caulking installed and check to see that the weather stripping is also in good condition.

Failed window caulking can result in water penetrating into your home.  It is common for us to go out to inspect a roof leak and determine the water intrusion was caused by windows!  Take time to check your window caulking to prevent water damage to your drywall and even mold!


Nashvillians love our fireplaces and warming by a fire!  Whether you heat by gas or real wood, we recommend that you have your chimney inspected each fall before you start up that warm fire! Birds can build nests in a chimney and mortar can become loose. Chimney caps may also rust out over time needing to be replaced!

Inside Fall Home Maintenance Checklist


At the change of every season, test your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors! Even if the batteries work, it is always best to replace your batteries twice a year!


Check your appliances! Holidays are fast approaching and that means lots of cooking and gathering today to celebrate with some delicious southern food! Take a little time to check the refrigerator coils, inspect the seals about your ovens and inspect to see that your dishwasher is cleaning and draining properly.


Its always good to run a cleaner through your dishwasher cycle with the change of each season as well! While you are at it, run a vinegar cleaner through your Keurig machine as well!  Prevention is key in maintaining properly working appliances!


Schedule a carpet cleaning to remove allergens and trapped dirt in your carpeting! Its also great to have a clean carpet to impress your guests that may be visiting during the holidays! If you have hardwood floors, it is a great time to do deep cleaning as well and thoroughly mop your floors with a vinegar solution to remove any unwanted grime!

Get Your HVAC Cleaned!

No one wants to be faced with an HVAC unit that doesnt work during the cold weather! Always contact a local HVAC rep and have your units cleaned and serviced to get ready for the cool temperatures.  By having your HVAC cleaned and serviced in the fall you can prevent emergency repairs and costly bills on that cold winter days!

Nashville Roofing Contractors | Roof Inspections

Your roof should be inspected before cold weather too!  We realize that checking your roof for damage can be difficult for many homeowners.  As Nashville’s certified Master Elite roofing contractors, we are always happy to provide free roof inspections!


It's Fall Ya'll - Home Maintenance Tips!
Article Name
It's Fall Ya'll - Home Maintenance Tips!
It's Fall Ya'll - Home Maintenance tips by Nashville's top roofers, MidSouth Construction, gives tips and advise on roofing and home maintenance to prepare for cooler fall temperatures and winter weather.
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MidSouth Construction, LLC
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