MidSouth Construction LLC

Residential Metal Roofing

Fire & Water Damage Restoration Contractors

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    Metal Roofing contractors in Nashville

    What Are The Pros to Metal Roofing?

    Types of Metal Roofing

    Metal Roofing Contractors
    Standing Seam Roofing - Copper Roofing for Bay Window Accents

    When considering the cost of a metal roof compared to a traditional shingle roof, the true cost should factor in the life-cycle cost, energy savings, insurance premium savings and impact on property value. When all factors are considered, the true cost of a metal roof is actually lower than a shingle roof and is the most cost-effective decision you can make. As an experienced metal roofing contractor, we can provide you with guidance on the best type of metal roof for your commercial roofing needs or residential home.

    Metal Roofing Contractors
    A screw-down metal roof is a less expensive option compared to a standing seam metal roof. However, with the lower price, you also receive a less sleek design and lower quality fastener system. Since the exposed fasteners are exposed to the elements they are more likely to break down over time which can lead to more maintenance and moisture entry points. A screw-down metal roof is still an excellent option for someone who wants the look and durability of metal but does not have to budget to cover the cost of a standing seam metal roof.
    • Long Life Expectancy
    • Energy Efficient
    • Less Expensive
    The screw-down metal roof and screw-down wall panels have been the backbone of the metal roofing industry since it was first introduced in the roofing market.  Despite newer metal roofing products, it still stands as a significant portion of the total metal roofing market today.  Call us today for a free quote for screw-down metal roofing! Our metal roofing contractors are experts at finding leaks in metal roofs!  We also provide free metal roof inspections!

    Our Testimonials

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    GAF Master Elite Roofing Contractor

    Nashville Roofers Certified Master Elite Roofing Contractors