Sun and heat are damaging to your roof – You may be unaware of how much damage the hot Tennessee summers can to do your roof.  The sweltering heat and unrelenting sunlight can cause extensive damage to your roof.  A qualified roofing contractor can help you maintain your roof and prevent minor problems from becoming big issues!


While we may think of sunshine as warm, inviting, and even envision special days at the beach – it also can be damaging. The bright sunlight we experience in the middle Tennessee area is full of UV rays or ultraviolet radiation. These damaging rays are not visible to the human eye but cause damage almost anything that is exposed to it for any length of time.


If you’ve ever forgotten anything and left it outside exposed to the bright sunlight, you have seen the damage the UV radiation can cause. This damage extends to your roof.  Tile roofing can become brittle and underlayment felt can become stiff and crack. Shingles installed with improper ventilation can blister and pop. Even the most high-quality roofing system can be impacted by the strong UV rays of the middle TN sun!

Heat is Damaging To Your Roof Too!

During the summer your roof will heat up to staggering temperatures during the day. When this happens your shingles and roofing components expand and grow larger! When they cool down at night they will revert to their normal size. This cycle of expansion and contraction caused by heat day after day results in thermal shock to your roofing system. This will lead to roof damage with cracking, splitting, and ultimately leaking.  Sun and heat are damaging to your roof!

Protecting  Your Roof Against the Sun!

There is no way to prevent your roof from being exposed to the damaging rays of the sun!  But, there are steps can you take to protect your roof!

Sun and Heat Damage Your Roof

Lack of air flow around your roofing system from clogged gutters damages your roof.


Make sure that you keep your roof and gutters clean. Remove any debris, leaves, nuts, or tree limbs from your roof! This is important because it allows air to flow properly. Clogged gutters cause extensive problems for your roof!  Sun and heat are damaging to your roof and clogged gutters increases this damage!


Improper ventilation is one of the biggest mistakes we see in roofing systems!  A roof that is not properly ventilated will result in a diminished life expectancy.  In addition, to unattractive blisters that will pop across the shingles, the overall shingle will fail over time.  Homeowners must ensure their roofing system is properly ventilated!

Have Your Roof Inspected

you should have your roof inspected every few years to be proactive and preventRoof inspections for Sun and Heat Damage minor problems from being major issues! Our staff and help spot a minor roof problem and correct that problem quickly. Loose shingles, deteriorated pike jacks, worn out flashing, cracked caulking can all be fixed fairly easily.


Far too often, homeowners are unaware of minor roof issues which ultimately will lead to a major expense! It is always wise to have your roof inspected after a storm because not all damage is visible from the ground.  But, you should also have your roof inspected every few years to check for decayed caulking or pipe jacks which need to be replaced every 10-15 years.  The sun is extremely harsh of caulking and plastic pipe jacks!

Don’t Neglect Your Roof

We get it. Your roof is just not something you think about regularly! But your roof is important! Your roof is the first level of defense for your home and it should never be neglected! Failing to inspect and repair your roof is a costly mistake. If your roof has damage, even minor damage, if left unaddressed it will fail. But, one phone call to MidSouth Construction can make sure your roof is not neglected!

Nashville’s Top Rated Roofing Contractor

MidSouth Construction is consistently rated the top roofing contractor in Nashville!  Check out our reviews on Google, Yelp, and the coveted A+ rating with the Nashville Better Business Bureau!  Midsouth also uses third party indepent review services like Guild Quality and GAF to ensure unbiased customer reviews.  We sincerely care about our customers and it shows!


We Appreciate Our Customers!

MidSouth Construction appreciates every customer no matter how small or how large the roofing project is! Contact us today at 615-712-8893 and let us show you what makes MidSouth Construction the highest rated roofing company in Nashville!



Sun Damages Your Roof
Article Name
Sun Damages Your Roof
Sun and heat are damaging to your roof! Take time for maintenance on your roof and have a roofing contractor inspect for minor problems before they become costly repairs!