MidSouth Construction LLC

Category: Roofing Contractors Category Blog

Gutter Maintenance for Your Home!
Roofing Contractors Category Blog | September 20, 2017
Gutter Maintenance for Your Home!

Gutter Maintenance For Your Home Gutter maintenance for your home is so important because gutters impact many elements of your home! Your gutters also play a major role in the life expectancy of your roof. Take time to learn about gutter tips and trends for the home and how you can maximize this important element of your home’s exterior. Gutter’s…

Roof Repairs - Signs You Need to Call a Roofer
Roof Repairs Category, Roofing Contractors Category Blog | May 16, 2017
Roof Repairs – Signs You Need to Call a Roofer

Roof Repairs – Signs You Need To Know Roof Repairs – What are the signs you need to call a roofer?  Your roof is the top layer of protection for your home. It is critically important that your roof be well maintained and in top condition.Surprisingly enough, despite its importance, your roof is usually the most neglected item in your…

Important Roofing Tips | Nashville Roofer Advice
Roofing Contractors Category Blog | October 20, 2016
Important Roofing Tips | Nashville Roofer Advice

IMPORTANT ROOFING TIPS from your trusted NASHVILLE ROOFER A roof is generally the most expensive single component of your residential home or commercial building. Installing a roof on a new construction project or replacing an existing roof that has exceeded its life expectancy or suffered storm damage, involves a large portion of your property. To ensure your roofing project is…

Slate Roofing Contractor | Asbestos Removed
Roofing Contractors Category Blog, Slate & Tile Roofing Category | September 12, 2016
Slate Roofing Contractor | Asbestos Removed

Slate Roofing Contractor Nashville TN Slate Roofing Contractor, MidSouth Construction Roofing and General Contracting has completed installation of a new slate roofing system.  The original roof was an asbestos shingle that sustained hail storm damage.  Our knowledgeable staff worked with the homeowners insurance carrier to remove the old asbestos shingles and replace them with a new state roofing system that…

Roof Damage - 5 Steps To Follow
Roofing Contractors Category Blog | August 24, 2016
Roof Damage – 5 Steps To Follow

Roof Damage 5 Steps To Follow After A Storm! Nashville Roofers, MidSouth Construction understands the damage caused by hail and wind storms to homes and businesses. If you have roof damage – 5 easy steps to follow after a storm will make the process much easier for you and help point you in the right direction. Sudden damage to your roof…

Roofing Ventilation - Nashville Homes Need Balance
Roofing Contractors Category Blog | August 4, 2016
Roofing Ventilation – Nashville Homes Need Balance

Roofing Ventilation Roofing Ventilation | Nashville Homes | More Isn’t Always Better!  A roof’s ventilation system requires balance to be effective!  Summer temperatures in Nashville have been scorching hot this year!  If you’ve been in your attic for any reason this season you may be wondering if you need to add additional ventilation.  While proper ventilation is critical to maintaining…

Northside Baptist Church Roof Replacement
Roofing Contractors Category Blog | July 27, 2016
Northside Baptist Church Roof Replacement

Church Roof Replacement Project Northside Baptist Church Murfreesboro TN Church Roof Replacement Project for Northside Baptist Church – Church roof replacement projects are becoming one of out specialties at MidSouth Construction Roofing and General Contracting!  We have work with numerous church boards and pastoral staffs in the restoration of their church property including roof replacements, sanctuary restoration and refurbishment, and…

Historical Slate Roof Replacement in Nashville TN
Roofing Contractors Category Blog, Slate & Tile Roofing Category | July 17, 2015
Historical Slate Roof Replacement in Nashville TN

Slate Roof Replacement in Nashville Slate roof replacements require a skilled slate roofing contractor!  Slate roofs are historically significant and date back as far as 1625 in New England.  Midsouth Construction is a commercial roofer with a great appreciation for this integral part of our American architecture!   We are always excited to be selected as the commercial roofing contractor…
